Call for Abstract

4th International Conference on Epilepsy & Treatment, will be organized around the theme “ An Awareness Over Radical Approach on Epilepsy ”

Epilepsy 2018 is comprised of 16 tracks and 80 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Epilepsy 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder usually occurred in children between 1-10 years and Geriatrics above 60 years of age. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of seizures due to disturbances in electrical signaling and its transmission in the brain. It may be of different types and with different episodes of seizures from person to person. Epilepsy is a non-communicable disease with approximately 50 million people in the world suffers from this disease. People with Epilepsy respond to treatment approximately within 70% of the time and some through surgery. About three-fourths of people with epilepsy living in low and middle-income countries do not get proper treatment. Generally, people with epilepsy suffer from stigma and discrimination.

                This session includes all types of epilepsy treatment and management of epilepsy, epileptogenesis, neurology, seizures, etiology, epidemiology, types of epilepsy, pathophysiology, epilepsy life risks, diseases associated with epilepsy, first aid for epilepsy, new medication, a new advancement in diagnosis.

  • Track 1-1Epilepsy in modern life style
  • Track 1-2Neuronal circuits of Brain in Epilepsy
  • Track 1-3Epilepsy and Heart Disease
  • Track 1-4Epilepsy and Diabetes
  • Track 1-5Harmonal Changes

Deficiency of oxygen to the brain can lead to epilepsy. Epilepsy may be due to genetic factors, May due to accidents, injury to brain and neurons; it may be also due to the life style of a person, prenatal conditions. Many genetical studies state that gene develops epilepsy and more than 500 genes will play a crucial role in epilepsy. Nearly 30% of epilepsy conditions in elderly people is due to cerebrovascular diseases. Poisoning due to lead and alcoholism and smoking may lead to epilepsy.

  • Track 2-1Genetic factors
  • Track 2-2Head trauma
  • Track 2-3Brain conditions
  • Track 2-4Infectious diseases
  • Track 2-5Prenatal diseases
  • Track 2-6Developmental disorders
  • Track 2-7Poisoning
  • Track 2-8Alcoholism

Epilepsy occurs basically due to changes in the chemical activity of neurons and fast spread of these impulses over the brain.when a huge electrical impulse is generated in one part of the brain which causes millions of neurons to fire producing seizures generally called Hyperexcitability, Activation of many neurons at a short span of time creates involuntary seizures known as Hyper synchronization

  • Track 3-1Hyper-excitability of a neuron
  • Track 3-2Hyper synchronization

 women and most common in children and adults having age more than 60. Women with epilepsy have fewer chances to conceive than in non-epileptic women. For women who want marriage or pregnancy, special consideration is necessary. With the single use of commonly used antiepileptic drugs, the malformation incidence and the stillbirth rate will increase to 2 to 3 times of the general population.Children having idiopathic epilepsy has 90% chances of getting rid of epilepsy at their 20’s

  • Track 4-1Pregnancy and motherhood
  • Track 4-2Labour and delivery
  • Track 4-3Prenatal injuries
  • Track 4-4Childhood epilepsy

Epilepsy is common in both men and women, Adults having age more than 60 idiopathic generalized Epilepsy is mostly seen in women than in men whereas localization related symptomatic Epilepsies were more frequent in men

Epilepsy can affect anyone regarding of their age, sex, and race. There are different types of epilepsy where each type should be diagnosed and given treatment accordingly. In Europe, at least 6 million people have epilepsy, and 15 million Europeans will have one seizure at some time in their lives. There is up to 40% of people with this condition may be untreated

  • Track 6-1Partial epilepsy
  • Track 6-2Jacksonian seizure
  • Track 6-3psychomotor seizure
  • Track 6-4secondary generalised seizures
  • Track 6-5Generalized Convulsive Seizures
  • Track 6-6Petit mal epilepsy
  • Track 6-7Grand mal epilepsy
  • Track 6-8Myoclonic seizures
  • Track 6-9Akinetic epilepsy
  • Track 6-10Wests syndrome
  • Track 6-11Tonic seizures
  • Track 6-12Status epilepticus

Epilepsy is the major complicated disease among neurological disorders as its cause is idiopathic.People with epilepsy are at a higher risk for two life threatening conditions like status epilepticus and sudden death. status epilepticus is a condition in which a person has abnormally prolonged seizures and does not obtain consciousness in between seizures. Sudden death generally can occur for both epileptic and non-epileptic people as there could not find any proper reason for sudden death. A research on epilepsy gave that sudden death mainly occur due to multidrug therapy along with nonepileptic drugs with others combinations for better dosage and may be  also due to ill management of of epilepsy shows great results in recent times

  • Track 7-1Status epilepticus
  • Track 7-2SUDEP
  • Track 7-3Aspiration (inhalation into the lungs) of secretions
  • Track 7-4Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Track 7-5Interictal personality

After the period of experiencing patient may experience cognitive disorders like amnesia, confusion which may affect person day to day life circumstances. 

  • Track 8-1Temporary confusion
  • Track 8-2A staring spell
  • Track 8-3Uncontrollable jerking movements
  • Track 8-4Loss of consciousness
  • Track 8-5Psychic symptoms

The ketogenic diet and the associated modified diets are well established in the treatment of epilepsy.Maintain a proper diet with all vitamin supplements, regular exercise can reduce the risk of epilepsy, get plenty of sleep during nights, avoid using drugs and alcohol. Epilepsy due to medication can be subsided by discontinuing the medicines. epilepsies which cannot be treated with medication are suggested for surgery where there are 90 % chances of recovery.

  • Track 9-1Traumatic brain injuries
  • Track 9-2Prenatal Care
  • Track 9-3Cysticercosis
  • Track 9-4Ketogeneic Diet
  • Track 9-5Alcohol and Drug abuse

when an individual experience a seizure for the first time doctor advises him for EEG and observes for abnormality in the of  EEG these tests differentiate patient from epileptic to non-epileptic.Research suggests that patients are only suggested to medicated for epilepsy only after their occurrence of a second seizure. Many non-epileptic patients experience an unusual brain activity so; it is advised to record EEG while sleeping is preferable. Brain scan like CT- SCAN are used various new devices are created for easy diagnosis of epilepsy

  • Track 10-1Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • Track 10-2Functional dichotomy of fast-spiking interneurons
  • Track 10-3Positron emission tomography
  • Track 10-4Magnetic resonance imaging
  • Track 10-5Single photon emission tomography
  • Track 10-6Magneto encephalogram
  • Track 10-7Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy(MRS)
  • Track 10-8Close-loop flashing

people with epilepsy often show stigma and differentiation, social behavioral changes arises due to depression occurred from variation, people cannot drive as there are chances of getting seizures while driving. Recreational activities are mostly affected like swimming, playing, racing cannot be taken. Research showed that only 56% people can complete their high school with epilepsy. Women with epilepsy are at a higher risk of miscarriage and abnormal child birth

  • Track 11-1Education and employment
  • Track 11-2Driving and recreation
  • Track 11-3Pregnancy and motherhood
  • Track 11-4Labour and delivery

people suffering from epilepsy are majorly prone to stigma and differentiation, thus they undergo different mental trauma, illusions psychic behavioral changes, which affect their day to day life severely .medication to epilepsy causes some other related diseases

  • Track 12-1Depression
  • Track 12-2Nocturnal seizures
  • Track 12-3Obesity
  • Track 12-4Sudden death due to epilepsy
  • Track 12-5Hemiplegia
  • Track 12-6Bipolar disorders

majorly epilepsy is treated with antiepileptic drugs primarily first line drugs like carbamazepine, valproate, phenytoin, carbamazepine whereas, the second generation include zonisamide and lacosamide are showing good efficacy with low adverse effects .thosuximide is majorly used for primary treatment. Diazepam is now available as a rectal gel so that can be applied by family members for prolonged seizures. Drug combination sometimes lead to adverse effects like fatigue and loss of appetite so, combinations are often replaced by monotherapy unless monotherapy achieves desired results. When medication doesn’t achieve the required targets doctor can sometimes suggest for surgery 64% cases showed seizure free cases who undergone surgery

  • Track 13-1Modern medication
  • Track 13-2Dosage tailoring
  • Track 13-3Surgery
  • Track 13-4Lobe resection
  • Track 13-5Lobectomy
  • Track 13-6Multiple subpial transection
  • Track 13-7Corpus callosotomy
  • Track 13-8Hemispherectomy and hemispherotomy
  • Track 13-9Devices

There are  conditions associated with recurrent paroxysmal events that may imitate and be misdiagnosed as epilepsies, conditions like movement disorder and sleep disorders may not be associated with electrical discharge of brain, some times children with high fevers may produce disorders  which cannot be considered as epilepsy

  • Track 14-1Sleep Related Conditions
  • Track 14-2Paroxysmal Movement Disorders
  • Track 14-3Migraine Associated Disorders

Approximately 3-5% of people suffer from epilepsy during their lifetime. Its prevalence has been estimated to be 5-10% per 1000 people in general population. The highest incidence is in children under the age 2 years, frequently appearing till their 10th year, further declining and again appearing after 50 years of age. The risk of developing epilepsy by 20 years of age is only 1% and by 75 years of age 3If you have a family history of epilepsy, there may be a higher risk of developing a seizure disorder. Head injuries are responsible for some cases of epilepsy. Avoid smoking and alcohol Dementia can increase the risk of epilepsy in aged people. Infections like meningitis where there is an inflammation may also cause epilepsy. High fevers in childhood can sometimes cause epilepsy.

Epilepsy is an endless neurological condition characterized by intermittent seizures that affect many individuals around the world. Understanding of the unpredictable components fundamental epileptogenesis and seizure era in transient projection Epilepsy and different types of Epilepsy can't be completely obtained in clinical examinations with people. Thus, the utilization of suitable creature models is basic. Some of these models reproduce the regular history of symptomatic central Epilepsy with an underlying epileptogenic affront, which is trailed by an obvious inactive period and by a resulting time of ceaseless unconstrained seizures

  • Track 16-1Chemo convulsants
  • Track 16-2Electrical stimulation
  • Track 16-3Chemoconvulsants in the immature brain
  • Track 16-4Electroshock-induced seizures