Abbas Alnaji
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Epileptogenic focus have to be treated rather than ablated
Biography: Abbas Alnaji
I see that the neurons that fires to cause seizures, are sick neurons, so that we have a duty of helping these sick neurons where ever they are, rather than to destroy them, as what happens in epilepsy surgery. I wish from epilepsy surgeons to check for any ineffective microorganism in the identified firing focus in the brain cortex or elsewhere by having this focus for PCR tissue examination for Brucella as I mentioned in my article sent for conference of epilepsy and treatment 2015 USA. It is wise to have a screen for more than Brucella with PCR. Many microorganisms are incremented like Salmonella and many other small intracellular bacteria that we have no help to identify them due to our shortage. After surgeons take this focus as a tiny biopsy (PCR needs very small volume), I say after they take this focus let them do whatever they want, if things go as today. Let us know that we are executing a diseased instead of remedy.