Call for Abstract

3rdInternational Conference on Epilepsy and Treatment, will be organized around the theme “A Perception into Progressive Exploration and Indicative Diagnostics in Epilepsy”

Epilepsy 2017 is comprised of 14 tracks and 96 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Epilepsy 2017.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. It is characterized by recurrent seizures, which are brief episodes of involuntary movement that may involve a part of the body (partial) or the entire body (generalized), and are sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness and control of bowel or bladder function. Approximately 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally.

Nearly 80% of the people with epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries. People with epilepsy respond to treatment approximately 70% of the time. About three fourths of people with epilepsy living in low- and middle- income countries do not get the treatment they need. In many parts of the world, people with epilepsy and their families suffer from stigma and discrimination. Of total medical costs Epilepsy alone results in an estimated annual cost of $15.5 billion.

 This session is an effort to address all areas related to Epilepsy and includes overview of Epilepsy in developing brain, Epileptogenesis, Genomics, Etiology and its Epidemiology, Translational research and its clinical aspects along with Epilepsy drug market. And our meeting include sessions which explain how the Epileptic networks and Neuronal circuits wired in the “normal” brain are essential to determine how a fault in this wiring leads to chronic seizures.

  • Track 2-1Epilepsy in developing brain
  • Track 2-2Cortical dysplasia and Epilepsy
  • Track 2-3Functional Genomics of Epilepsy
  • Track 2-4Epilepsy and Neuropsychology
  • Track 2-5Inhibition and Excitation: Implications for Epileptogenesis
  • Track 2-6Neuronal microcircuits in normal and Epileptic brain
  • Track 2-7Epileptic networks : Brain functional anatomy
  • Track 2-8Maldevelopment of the Central Nervous System
  • Track 2-9Epilepsia
  • Track 2-10Etiology and Epidemiology

Epilepsy can affect anyone, at any age and from any walk of life. In the UK, 600,000 or one in every 103 people has epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological condition. There are several types of epilepsy, each with different causes, symptoms, and treatments.

When making a diagnosis of epilepsy, your doctor may use one of the following terms: idiopathic, cryptogenic, symptomatic, generalized, focal, or partial. Idiopathic means there is no apparent cause. Cryptogenic means there is a likely cause, but it has not been identified. Symptomatic means that a cause has been identified. Generalized   means that the seizures are involving the whole brain at once. Focal or partial means that the seizure starts from one area of the brain. 

  • Track 3-1Generalised Seizures
  • Track 3-2Intractable Epilepsy
  • Track 3-3Idiopathic Epilepsy
  • Track 3-4Temporal lobe Epilepsy
  • Track 3-5Refractory Epilepsy
  • Track 3-6Focal Epilepsy
  • Track 3-7Photosensitive Epilepsy
  • Track 3-8Benign Rolandic Epilepsy
  • Track 3-9Childhood Epilepsy


Some of the main causes of epilepsy include: Low oxygen during birth. Head injury that occurs during birth or from accidents during youth or adulthood.  Brain tumours. Genetic conditions that result in brain injury such as tuberous sclerosis. Infections such as meningitis or encephalities.strokeor any other type of damage to the brain. Abnormal levels of substances such as sodium or blood sugar. In up to 70% of all case of epilepsy in adults and children, no cause can be discovered

  • Track 4-1Brain Chemistry
  • Track 4-2Prenatal Injuries
  • Track 4-3Genetic and Hereditary causes
  • Track 4-4Mutation caused Epilepsy
  • Track 4-5Epilepsy due to Infection and Inflammation
  • Track 4-6Environmental causes

An Epilepsy Syndrome is illustrated by a variety of features usually happening together. These disorders give data about sorts of seizures, their course, what to expect and significantly more.

This session incorporates different sorts of seizures such as Absence and Myoclonic Seizures, Tonic-clonic Seizures, Non-epileptic Seizures, along with Angelman Syndrome, Dravet Syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Landau-Kleffner and West Syndromes having unique combinations of symptoms.

  • Track 5-1Angelman Syndrome
  • Track 5-2Dravet Syndrome
  • Track 5-3Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS)
  • Track 5-4Reflex Epilepsies
  • Track 5-5Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
  • Track 5-6West Syndrome

In chronic conditions such as epilepsy, the concurrence of more than one ailment in a patient is the principle instead of the special case. The rate of neurobehavioral disorders like Neuropsychiatric and Bipolar Disorders, Sleep seizures, Mood disorders and Paroxysmal Movement Disorders is more in patients with epilepsy than in the overall public. Epilepsy is additionally connected with Depression, Overweight, Hemiplegia and Migraine. What's more, Sudden Unexpected Death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a lethal complexity of epilepsy

  • Track 6-1Epilepsy and Depression
  • Track 6-2Sudden and unexpected death in Epilepsy patients(SUDEP)
  • Track 6-3Hemiplegia and Epilepsy
  • Track 6-4Mood and Epilepsy
  • Track 6-5Overweight and Epilepsy
  • Track 6-6Sleep Seizures
  • Track 6-7Bipolar Disorders
  • Track 6-8Neuropsychiatric Comorbidities
  • Track 6-9Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Movement Disorders
  • Track 6-10Conculsions

Epilepsy in women raises special reproductive and general health concerns. Seizure frequency and severity may change at puberty, over the menstrual cycle, with pregnancy, and at menopause.

Estrogen is known to increase the risk of seizures, while progesterone has an inhibitory effect. Many antiepileptic drugs induce liver enzymes and decrease oral contraceptive efficacy. Women with epilepsy also have lower fertility rates and are more likely to have anovulatory menstrual cycles, polycystic ovaries, and sexual dysfunction. Irregular menstrual cycles, hirsutism, acne, and obesity should prompt an evaluation for reproductive dysfunction.

Children who are born to women with epilepsy are at greater risk of birth defects, in part related to maternal use of antiepileptic drugs.. Breastfeeding is generally thought to be safe for women using antiepileptic medications.

  • Track 7-1Impact of Seizures on Pregnancy
  • Track 7-2Psychological Implications
  • Track 7-3Newborn Abnormalities
  • Track 7-4Foetal biological changes in Epilepsy carrier
  • Track 7-5Hormonal Imbalance
  • Track 7-6Neonatal Convulsion
  • Track 7-7Infantile Choreoathetosis

The neurobiology of epilepsy is an active field of investigation. Numerous mechanisms of inhibitory and excitatory deregulation have been suggested, and the interactions of these pathways are observed almost ubiquitously. The compromised inhibitory compensation of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) during seizures has been hypothesized to be a direct result of aberrant glutamate metabolism. Recent research has also implicated the role of endocannabinoids in modulating epileptic activity in the hippocampus. A stimulating area of epilepsy research is the examination of different models of circuitry participating in seizure activity. Other physiological changes that occur in the epileptic brain include glial composition changes and synaptic modification. Together, these findings provide a better understanding of the neurobiology of epilepsy, and could lead to improved management and cures.

  • Track 8-1Ion Channel Defects in Intractable Epilepsies
  • Track 8-2Clinical manifestation of Epilepsy
  • Track 8-3Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry governing excitability
  • Track 8-4Factors modifying neuronal excitability
  • Track 8-5Cellular mechanisms of seizure generation
  • Track 8-6mTOR signaling pathways
  • Track 8-7Epilepsy: Glutamate
  • Track 8-8Inflammatory pathways
  • Track 8-9Apoptosis signalling pathways


The effect of epilepsy is multifaceted and immense. The capriciousness of seizures forces extreme confinements on way of life and can restrain patient's social interactions.

Epilepsy can affect Mental Health, Education, Driving & Recreation, Employment, Marital Status and Pregnancy. Epilepsy can likewise bring about Stigmatization and social avoidance with pernicious impacts on an individual's confidence and self-regard

  • Track 9-1Stigmatization
  • Track 9-2Driving and Recreation
  • Track 9-3Education and Employment
  • Track 9-4Marital Status and Pregnancy
  • Track 9-5Global burden of Epilepsy

Diagnosing epilepsy is extremely difficult. Even physicians are also able to witness a seizure rarely during the visit. It is very essential to have an exact history of the events that have previously occurred.

Diagnostic services to detect brain abnormalities include Electroencephalogram(EEG), Functional MRI, Functional dichotomy, Multimodal imaging, Positron emission tomography, Computerized tomography (CT) scan, Single-photon emission and Computerized Tomography. Neuropsychological Tests help doctors determine which areas of your brain are affected. Next Generation Sequencing is used to analyze the genetic basis of epilepsies.

  • Track 10-1Next Generation Sequencing
  • Track 10-2Close-loop flashing
  • Track 10-3Neuropsychological Tests
  • Track 10-4Single-photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT)
  • Track 10-5Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan
  • Track 10-6Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • Track 10-7Multimodal Imaging in Epilepsy: EEG and beyond
  • Track 10-8Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • Track 10-9Functional MRI (fMRI)
  • Track 10-10Functional dichotomy of fast-spiking interneurons

The best bet to prevent seizures associated with epilepsy is to avoid the things that can trigger your seizures and quit Alcohol and Drugs. The management of patients with epilepsy is focused on three main goals: Controlling and prevention of seizures, Avoiding side effects of treatment and Restoring Quality of life.

This session includes some measures like Prenatal care,  Management of Stress and Relaxation, Automobile safety, Balanced diet and Exercise. The Biomarkers of Seizure onset and Epileptogenesis serve as therapeutic targets for the development of new anti-epileptogenic and anti-seizure compounds.

  • Track 11-1Biomarkers of Seizure onset and Epileptogenesis
  • Track 11-2Automobile Safety, Balanced diet and Exercise
  • Track 11-3Prenatal care
  • Track 11-4Management of Stress and Relaxation Techniques
  • Track 11-5Avoid drugs and Alcohol

On the basis of the available antiepileptic medicines AEDs, epilepsy therapeutics market is segmented into two major categories namely first generation AEDs and second generation AEDs. Second generation AEDs consist of medicines with different mechanism of action than the first generation drugs. 

First generation AEDs majorly carbamazepine, valproate, phenytoin and oxycarbazepine dominates the epilepsy therapeutics market. However, second generation AEDs such as levetiracetam, zonisamide and lacosamide are slowly overtaking the epilepsy therapeutics market due to its improved efficacy and tolerability.

Additionally, large number of research and development activities, are going on all over the world for the development of antiepileptic medicines with diverse mechanism actions. As for instance. brivaracetam and ganaxolone are  for treating epilepsy. Both of these drugs are currently under clinical trials and it is expected that these drugs will prove beneficial for epilepsy therapeutics market.


  • Track 12-1Advances in Gene therapy
  • Track 12-2Advances in Clinical and Translational Research
  • Track 12-3Advances in Surgical Approaches
  • Track 12-4MicroRNA regulation
  • Track 12-5Ketogenic Diet
  • Track 12-6Advances in Brain stimulation
  • Track 12-7Rehabilitation
  • Track 12-8New Anti-Epileptic Drugs
  • Track 12-9Advances in Immunotherapy
  • Track 12-10Advances in Stem Cell therapy
  • Track 12-11Epilepsy Devices

Numerous episodic phenomena including sensory, motor, autonomic, and behavioral functions  might emulate epilepsy. They might bring about a symptom that resembles a seizure, yet they don't demonstrate the EEG changes in the brain that are normal for an Epileptic seizure.  

Some therapeutic conditions like Behavioral,  and Psychological, Anoxic and Syncope Seizures, Paroxysmal Movement Disorders imitate certain parts of seizures yet may not be connected with an irregular electrical discharge in brain. Sleep related conditions include body shaking, jerks, rolling and head banging and Migraine related Disorders offer numerous clinical symptoms and fundamental pathophysiological mechanisms of Epilepsy.

  • Track 13-1Syncope and Anoxic Seizures
  • Track 13-2Behavioral, Psychological and Psychiatric conditions
  • Track 13-3Sleep related Conditions
  • Track 13-4Migraine associated Disorders

A case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports can also play a relevant role in medical education, providing a structure for case-based learning and may also have a role to play in guiding the personalization of treatments in clinical practice. This session includes detailed study of Epilepsy case reports based on diagnosis, therapy, medication and research.

According to the World Health Organisation, epilepsy is the world's most common serious brain disorder. According to the mid-2010 population from the Office for National Statistics, this equates to 600,000 patients with epilepsy in the UK today, and 32,000 newly treated cases each year.

  • Track 14-1Diagnostic case reports
  • Track 14-2Therapy based case reports
  • Track 14-3Medication based case reports
  • Track 14-4Research based case reports